Ep 14: 30-by-30 series part 5

The meaning of life is enjoying the passage of time

Saw this on TikTok and I absolutely loved it. The meaning of life is doing what you want to do (within means right) but also having those moments of glimmer or really diving into what you’re doing with joy and flow.

Apparently it’s an old song by James Taylor

Experiments are more important than perfection

You weren’t confused, you were curious. So you jumped into the things that felt like an experience because what you learned from that can be so much more useful than never doing it at all.

This is how most of us learn, by doing.

This is the basis for the book Radical Confidence by Lisa Bilyeu

“Not knowing how to do something is not - I repeat, not - a failure. It’s a goddamn opportunity. When you have radical confidence, everytime you’re presented with something you’ve never done before, something you have to learn to do, you can choose to see it as a chance to grow, change, and get better.”

She basically goes into how even if you don’t know how to do it, you figure it out by trying. No, it will not be perfect the first time, maybe not even by the 3rd, but you can learn each time and slowly grow those skills. That’s why these experiments are more important than perfecting it from the start.

Take time to experiment and worry about enjoying the process more than perfecting it.

“Make time for trauma before trauma takes time from you” - me

As I dive into this new phase of life, becoming a mom, I realize that I have to make time for the trauma healing before it takes time from you.

Take the time to process and heal before the negative behaviors associated with the trauma take your limited time from you. You deserve to work on yourself and be a happier, healthier person.

If everything you wanted were to be given to you right now, would you be ready for it?

Are your habits and routines sustainable for your goals?

Are you ready to handle the responsibility of what is being given to you?

Maybe the universe doesn’t give you opportunities and experiences because you aren’t ready for them. Ask yourself, what can I do today to better prepare my future self.

Talk about how I would put things on my board then it wouldn’t show up for me until the next year. It’s like I was always a year ahead of myself

The magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding

*not sure if he’s the one that said it - but definitely where I heard it.

Must like my previous point, going through the work is really what matters when it comes to a self-healing journey.

It’s about being willing to gain that resilience to go through the growth by expanding outside of your comfort zone.

And typically this is the hard stuff right? Whether that’s lifestyle change or inner work, it’s hard to go through these changes, so avoiding is our natural way to go.


Ep 15: Inner Self


Ep 13: Presence