The Self-Help Theory Blog
All things the self-help theory are found here. Light up your self-healing with some light reading before diving into your journey.
Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty
Although living like a monk seems overwhelming and unrealistic, he does a great job connecting the life of a monk to everyday situations. He guides you through specific journaling sessions or meditations that will help heal your mind of its suffering due to anxiety or materialistic happiness. Here are 10 take aways from the book.
The VIA Character Strength Test For Self-Discovery
As psychology has historically been about managing or curing mental illness, within the last few decades a new aspect of positive psychology has risen through the ranks. This includes studying what positive aspects there are to human development and lives, such as character strengths in our daily lives or hope and optimism in goal setting. VIA stands for Values In Action and pertains to character traits or values that drive our decision making and help guide us to a happier, more fulfilled life.